How to proceed

Central Topics

  • Language 
  • Communication
  • Linguistics and its branches

No. Question ChatGPT
1. Define the term language. 7
2. What is communication and in what way is this term related to the term language? 9
3. What communication systems do animals use? 7
4. Do animals, e.g. whales or bees, have a language? Justify your answer.  10
5. Outline the different modes of human communication. 10
6. Name and define the core areas of linguistics. 10

Recommendations for ChatGPT use: It is possible to master the whole topic via interaction with ChatGPT. However, you will miss important multimedial information, such as illustrative diagrams, interactive elements, animations, educational video and more examples that illustrate the explanations.

Overall ChatGPT recommendation value: 8 (of 10)


Fromkin, Victoria (ed.). 2001: Chapter I.
Language Files. 2016:  Chapters I + II.
O'Grady, William et al. 2003: Chapters VIII + XVI.
Katzner, Kenneth. 2002: The whole book.