Demo Glossary

This glossary is a fragment of the big VLC Glossary that hosts more than 1,000 entries. It hosts only those terms that are required for the demo-units of this demo course.

Browse the glossary using this index

Special | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ALL


Arabic, Modern Standard (ISO-Code: ARA)

The examples below illustrate the synthetic character of Standard Arabic. Furthermore, it is obvious that Arabic exhibits the VSO word order in main clauses:

الكتاب اررجل نا’عمون
الكتابين المر’أتو نمط
الكتاب الكبير اررجل يرى المر’أ.
الكتاب الكبير جيدا   ... عندما را’أت المر’أتو اررجلا
فيل كتاب اررجل يو’تي المر’أتى الكتابة.
ألا الكتاب
