Suggestions for In-Class Activities

Once a message, or a fragment of a message, has been prepared for expression, the process of formulating can be initiated. Successive message fragments will trigger the Formulator to access lemmas, to inspect the message for functions, arguments, and modifiers, to specify grammatical relations, and to map these onto inflectional and phrasal structure." (Levelt, 1993:161).

  1. Convert the following preverbal message (Jackendoff format) into

    1. an English sentence
    2. a German sentence

      (EVENT [PAST]
      (PERSON (MAN DEF) 1)
      (THING (DOLLAR (NUM 100)))
    1. Convert the following preverbal message Schankf format) into

      1. an English sentence
      2. a German sentence

                (DIRECTION   (FROM NIL)
                             (TO NEW_YORK)))