Demo Glossary

This glossary is a fragment of the big VLC Glossary that hosts more than 1,000 entries. It hosts only those terms that are required for the demo-units of this demo course.

Browse the glossary using this index

Special | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ALL

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There are several ways to navigate through the courses and the activities they contain. In addition to using the respective titles of the individual activities as hyperlinks, the textual content offers content-sensitive hyperlinks. The function of these hyperlinks is indicated by the cursor shape:

a. Open/load an additional activity
b. Open/load additional information
c. Pass question to Chatbot

While in a) the new content replaces the old one in the browser window, in b) an overlay is generated which can be closed via the [x] symbol. c) passes a question to one of the VLC chatbots who answers the question.

In some cases, the mouse symbol indicates that further information can be retrieved by moving the mouse cursor over an image or a text:

d. Apply mouse over


Welsh (ISO-Code: CYM)

The examples illustrate the fusional character of Welsh. Furthermore, it is obvious that Welsh favors a VSO order but allows for other head-modifier patterns as well:

y llyfr Mae'r dyn yn cysgu.
y llyfrau Cysgodd y fenyw.
y llyfr mawr Mae'r dyn yn gweld y fenyw.
y llyfr mawr iawn   ... pan welodd y fenyw y dyn.
yn y llyfr "Mae'r dyn yn rhoi'r llyfr i'r fenyw.
ar y llyfr


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